This is my first time using CAD. I started with Fusion360 and it took me a long time to simply get used to the basics of the program. My first idea was to design a crown with multiple design options and sizes. When I tried to design a circle with tabs, however, I failed. I couldn't figure out how to line up the tab exactly with the circle. This is probably something very basic, but I'm still learning!
So, I moved on to creating a square crown, which is silly, but that's what I could do! Here is the square outline and the design elements I created!
Next, I tried to export the file to prepare it for the laser cutter. However, the image was not viewed from the top and it warped the dimension. I went back and exported from the top view to correct this:
Yay! It worked! And I used the laser cutter to make the objects!
There were some failures in this process! First, some of the edges burned. Some of the edges were bent due to the piece of cardboard's edges not being cut cleanly and the laser cutting too close to the edge. Finally, for some pieces, the laser did not cut all the way through and the pieces were difficult to remove without damaging them:
However, I had enough to work with, which was great! Here are the pieces:
Here is the finished product--a square crown to fit my dog, Frankie (photo forthcoming!):
Ah yes! And Vinyl Cutting, which was easy! What a relief! Because I was limited on time, I used a design available in the cricket library. This was helpful for learning to use the machine and I would like to come back to printing my own original design.